AFS no longer has a national office in Australia.

We are proud to partner with a large network of Affiliates around the world who have been approved by the AFS Board of Trustees to cooperate with our global Network.

Please contact the Global Affiliates we have in Australia:


Student Placement Australia New Zealand (SPANZ)

Student Placement Australia New Zealand (SPANZ) commenced national operations back in 2002 providing support services and expertise within the international student industry. SPANZ is staffed by a team of dedicated professionals who have a long history of excellence in their field, and are committed to providing once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for young students to immerse in our culture, learn, grow and develop a global perspective. SPANZ also organises and facilitates an international inbound short term cultural program for high school aged students.

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Tasmanian Government Education and Training International

Tasmanian Government Education welcomes high school students from around the world, to enjoy an authentic Australian experience. Tasmanian schools offer world-class education and the opportunity for students to engage in full language immersion programs, combining a traditional academic program with a variety of extracurricular activities. Students are part of safe and welcoming communities that embrace cultural diversity, and provide opportunities for students to build meaningful and lasting relationships. Our purpose is to ensure all learners have the understanding, skills and disposition to live, work and thrive in a harmonious multicultural society.

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